Swedish investment into a Spanish Mobile App Startup!
The AirBnB phenomenon has revolutionized and disrupted the vacation rental marketplace, so much so, that many countries around the world are having to implement measures that will bring this flourishing industry into legal alignment with traditional hospitality, e.g. hotels, hostals, campings and so forth. As an example, most vacation rentals around the world require a permit or license, some countries collect tourist taxes and a lot of countries require collecting the guest ID´s, after all, wouldn´t you want to know who is staying in your vacation rental? Spain is one of these countries where accommodation hosts have to fulfil 5 tasks for legal compliance or else face large fines for not reporting their guests to the authorities.
When I discovered how painful & time consuming the process was for vacation rental owners and companies having to collect guest ID´s, obtain a guest signature on an arrival form, report these guests into the police systems within 24 hours and keep an ongoing log book for 3 years, I realized there was a massive opportunity on the horizon for a mobile app that could fulfil this process in a simple Scan, Sign & Send workflow” says Ben Smith, CEO of Check-in Scan, a Spanish startup based in Málaga which is making waves within the hospitality industry with enquiries from all around the world.
The mobile app uses the latest technology to scan the fields on the ID´s in real time and is currently processing 20 guests per second and has vacation rental properties, hotels, hostals and even camping’s and caravan parks on its client portfolio.
“We are extremely impressed with Check-in Scan´s track record and potential for international growth, an investment was a no brainer after due diligence of course” says Goran Carlson, owner of Carlson Invest AB. This investment will be done parallel with Öhman Invest and hopefully this quite big injection of money will boost Check-in Scan to the next level.
Carlson himself is also involved heavily as senior business advisor in Arctic Business, ranked one of Sweden’s top incubators and the world’s 7th best incubator affiliated to a University.
We´re delighted to be able to work with Goran, right from day one he has provided valuable business advice, a passion for the business and we´re very excited for the future” concludes Ben Smith.
Some facts:
- Based in Spain, 11 employees.
- 236 leads in 57 countries.
- 12,676 accommodation units using the app.
- Processed 264 000 check-ins with a total of 577 000 guests to this date.